Mental health

Mental health

About this theme

This theme covers topics relating to community-based approaches to mental health. Many Fellows over the years have undertaken projects in this area including as part of our three-year programme developed in partnership with the Mental Health Foundation which ran in 2016-2018. Partnership stories

Blogs & conversations In conversation with Sangeeta Mahajan: Championing suicide prevention and bereavement support

Five years on from her Fellowship, we spoke with Churchill Fellow Sangeeta Mahajan about how her profound loss inspired her mission to improve suicide prevention. Sangeeta shares insights from her research in the USA and Australia, the gaps she identified in UK care systems, and her efforts to create lasting change through education, peer support, and advocacy.

By Sangeeta Mahajan, 2025

Blogs & conversations Addressing Moral Injury in Ukrainian Veterans

Visiting the military graveyard in Lviv, I was struck by the endless lines of graves adorned with the yellow and blue flag of Ukraine, a reminder of the nobility and futility of war. Working with the HopeFull charity on the 'Hope for the Wounded' project, we aim to create a network of 140 rehabilitation centres where veterans can freely articulate their experiences within a safe and trusted environment. This programme balances body, soul, spirit, and material needs, guiding veterans toward a new future defined by meaningful purpose while recognising their unique challenges, hopes, and dreams.

By Simon Edwards, 2024

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