How nature can benefit your mental health
By Debbie Frances,
We had the honour of hosting our inaugural ‘In Conversation With' event featuring a fascinating discussion between our new Churchill Fellowship Ambassador John Elkington (CF 1981) and Churchill Fellowship Trustee, Advisory Council Chair and leading sustainability business advisor, Lucy Parker (CF 1978).
'In Conversation With…' is a new series of unique ad hoc events we are curating where Churchill Fellowship Ambassadors discuss pertinent topics of the day with another Churchill Fellow, followed by a Q&A session with the audience.
Sustainability was the focus of this first event which was introduced by the Churchill Fellowship Chairman, Jeremy Soames, before John and Lucy took the floor. Both speakers started by sharing their views on the lasting impact their Fellowship experience had made, with Lucy remarking that ‘it really does stay with you for life’.
The past, present and future of the fundamental global issue of sustainability was the core of debate. 2024 marks 30 years since John introduced the ‘triple bottom line’ framework that challenged companies to expand their horizons beyond profits to include improving conditions for people and caring for the planet. As a result, there was much discussion between John, Lucy and the audience during the Q&A session, around the progress that had been made during this time as well as the very clear challenges ahead.
With the common view from Lucy and John that we are now at the ‘tipping point of real change’, John stated that the ‘next 10-15 years will be a pivotal time’ while reflecting that we need a pan generational approach with the younger generation taking change forward working with, rather than, blaming the older generation.
You can read more about John's views in his blog - Sustainability - the end of the beginning
John Elkington is Founder & Chief Pollinator at Volans and is one of the founders of the global sustainability movement. He is an authority on corporate responsibility and sustainable capitalism. His 21st book, ‘Tickling Sharks: How We Sold Business on Sustainability’ (Fast Company Press), launches in May 2024.
Lucy Parker is co-author of ‘The Activist Leader, a new mindset for doing business’ and ‘Everybody’s Business, the Unlikely Story of how Big Business Can Fix the World’. She is also Senior Partner and ESG & Sustainable Business Global Lead of Brunswick Group, as well as being a Trustee and Advisory Council Chair at the Churchill Fellowship.
By Debbie Frances,
By Hannah Norman,