Covid-19 Action Fund opens for third round of grants
Our Covid-19 Action Fund is now open for a third round of grants. We are inviting Churchill Fellows to submit ideas that offer innovative solutions to the challenges presented by the pandemic.
This follows two previous rounds of grants which awarded more than £455,000 to 53 Fellows’ Covid-related projects addressing healthcare, food poverty, domestic abuse and more.
The Action Fund’s purpose is to support Churchill Fellows’ vital contribution to the national effort around Covid-19 and to collect lessons learnt for future use. We are offering grants for projects that meet one of these criteria:
- Projects that are responding to the impact of the pandemic and supporting those most affected by it.
- Pilots testing new approaches that have been trialled during the last 18 months to test feasibility of permanent adoption.
Proposals will need to show:
- Demonstrable need for the work that you are proposing. We are particularly interested in supporting work that fulfils an unmet need.
- Clear aims for the work you are seeking to fund.
- A realistic project plan and budget for delivering these aims.
The deadline for applications for the third round of grant applications is 5pm on Thursday 21 October 2021. Later applications will not be considered.
All eligible Fellows have been emailed a personalised link to their own online application form. If you have not received a link and believe you are eligible, please contact us on
The Fund is only open to Churchill Fellows. To be eligible, Fellows must have completed part or all of their Fellowship travels. We are prioritising proposals that relate to Fellows’ original Fellowship topic, but this is not exclusive and unrelated ideas that are relevant and powerful will be considered too. Applications will be assessed on the content within the application form only.
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