ZeZe Sohawon

Fellow’s Profile

ZeZe Sohawon

Fellow’s Profile

ZeZe Sohawon

System Transformation for Care Leavers with Severe Mental Illness




Empowering youth/clinicians/policy makers to revolutionise support for care leavers with psychosis


Fellowship year


Supported by


West Midlands


I am a TEDx speaker, youth mental health and autism advocate, recently a CEO of a charity and mental health researcher.

My Fellowship is about youth with experience of care and its purpose is to research early psychosis consortiums in Australia and to speak with researchers and the lived experience community of care leavers with psychosis. I will then go to New York to encourage innovation in social care systems for care leavers, before going to Vancouver to visit psychosis clinics. I plan to work with different agencies including the Institute for Mental Health and UK Parliament to disseminate feedback and encourage policy change for care leavers' mental health support access.

I have lived experience of being a child in care across eight different units during my childhood. My early adverse childhood abuse led to me developing psychosis, leaving me sectioned in mental health units while in care. I now look to be the person to others that my past self needed. My Fellowship will be the catalyst for change and innovation in the provision for care leavers with psychosis, for policy interventions and working to empower youth to build a life worth living.


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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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