Powering participation: exploring how creative engagement can unlock domestic Demand Side Response
By Tim Crook, 22 November 2024
Fellow’s Profile
Fellow’s Profile
Eco-visualisation: Lowering peak energy demand through behaviour change
Enabling homes and businesses to respond to energy system balancing using things other than money.
South West
I am a project manager working in energy, focused on how we can take the system we have in the UK and transform it to support low carbon energy. The plan to achieve this expects householders to be more engaged and to shift their energy use around, if not actively reducing it. Simply paying people to do this is one way of achieving it, but I am interested in whether there are more creative, fun and powerful ways of encouraging homes and businesses to reduce peak demand.
The heat and electricity we consume in our homes has a direct, emotive impact on wellbeing and health and the decisions we make about using them come down to more than just transactions. I want to research and understand how other countries have approached engaging their citizens in their energy system, and whether operators think more active participation is a good thing, or best managed away from residents and behind the scenes. If we can find more fun, creative and engaging techniques that encourage people to want to play a larger role in balancing energy, this could transform how we invest in the system itself.
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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.