Serge Lourie

Fellow’s Profile

Serge Lourie

Fellow’s Profile

Serge Lourie

Urban renewal and housing




Fellowship year






I am a Trustee of Richmond Charity Almshouses, Kingston Hospital Charity and chair Poems in the Waiting Room. I spent 34 years as a local councillor, ending as Leader of Richmond upon Thames Council. I organise walks for older people, converse in French (learnt though my Fellowship,) play in a ukulele band and run regularly.

My Fellowship looked at housing and urban renewal in France and the United States. It was an important influence on my various roles chairing large housing associations, a grant-giving body and Kingston NHS Hospital Trust, mentoring council leaders, being a director of financial institutions in tourism and as a local councillor.

The main focus of the Fellowship was to look at the impact legislation could have in improving housing outcomes. I believe in the importance of good housing and have also chaired the body tackling rough sleeping in London. My Fellowship helped me to understand the context within which I was working and, I hope, improved my decision-making.

Personally, I very much value my experience as a Churchill Fellow. It enabled me to look closely at American attempts to deal with poverty and French urbanisme, as well as learning French.



May 2023 Fellow's update: Serge Lourie

Retired Serge Lourie (CF 1989) is now 77 and organises monthly walks for older local residents and keeps fit by running three times a week. With the help of a grant from his local council, he is starting a Couch to 5K+ weekly programme under the auspices of the Avenue Club in Kew his local community group. It is aimed at people who would normally not consider running to keep fit and will also encourage people to walk and take more exercise. The programme will follow the NHS app and is intended to help people achieve their goals of getting fitter, relieving stress, enjoying themselves and making new friends. Because of the support from Richmond Council, there is no charge. The programme fits in with the three-year programme of Churchill Fellowships focused on Physical Activity: “making moves for healthier lives.” If you are interested in hearing about the project, please contact Serge on

By Serge Lourie, 31 May 2023


All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.



May 2023 Fellow's update: Serge Lourie

Retired Serge Lourie (CF 1989) is now 77 and organises monthly walks for older local residents and keeps fit by running three times a week. With the help of a grant from his local council, he is starting a Couch to 5K+ weekly programme under the auspices of the Avenue Club in Kew his local community group. It is aimed at people who would normally not consider running to keep fit and will also encourage people to walk and take more exercise. The programme will follow the NHS app and is intended to help people achieve their goals of getting fitter, relieving stress, enjoying themselves and making new friends. Because of the support from Richmond Council, there is no charge. The programme fits in with the three-year programme of Churchill Fellowships focused on Physical Activity: “making moves for healthier lives.” If you are interested in hearing about the project, please contact Serge on

By Serge Lourie, 31 May 2023


All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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