Good ideas from Down Under: improving healthcare for Scotland's youth
By Robert McCabe, 2021
Fellow’s Profile
Fellow’s Profile
Good ideas from Down Under: improving healthcare for Scotland's youth
Improving psychiatric care for young people by learning from Australia
In 2011 I visited Orygen Youth Health in Melbourne, a world-leading academic and research mental health facility dedicated to developing pioneering approaches to young people who have developed early onset psychosis. On my return to my UK NHS post, I disseminated my learning from my visit among colleagues in Scotland.
I retired from my NHS post as a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist in early 2012. I undertook a couple of locum appointments after that, the last entailing a year-long post working in the South East of Scotland Adolescent Inpatient Unit (IPU). In that final NHS post I was able to draw upon my experiences from my Fellowship visit to Orygen.
From early 2017 onwards I have worked as a medical member in the Mental Health Tribunal of Scotland, within the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Organisation. While my particular expertise proves invaluable where the tribunal client is an adolescent, I sit on tribunals with individuals of any age who are detained under Scotland's Mental Health Act. I also hold a part-time position with NHS Education Scotland and help provide mandatory training to newly qualified psychiatrists.
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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.