Alternatives to institutional care for older people
By Rebecca Jarvis, 4 August 2021
Fellow’s Profile
Fellow’s Profile
Alternatives to institutional care for older people
Supporting older people to stay in their homes with innovative housing care
I am the Director of Operations at the Health Innovation Network (HIN), the Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) for south London.
My Fellowship was about alternatives to care homes, in particular different models of 'housing with care' for older people.
I have spent a lot of my career working to improve the health and quality of life of older people. Most people don't want to move into a care home when they are very old, but for many people there is no other option. I really believe that we should have a greater range of housing with care options available to us in later life and that's why I wanted to visit Japan and New Zealand, countries known for innovations in the sector.
Since returning home I have had the opportunity to present the findings from my research at a variety of conferences, seminars and workshops across housing, health and care sectors. I have contributed ideas for the design of an Industry Standard (ISO) for multi-generational living. I have also spoken about my research with the current minister for care and the Department of Health and Social Care with a view to influencing future policy.
By Rebecca Jarvis, 4 August 2021
Health and social care director Rebecca Jarvis (CF 2019) contributed to a new report entitled Cultivating Neighbourhoods that Care: A Manifesto for Change, which was published this month. Rebecca drew upon learnings from her Fellowship, which researched support for older people that allows them to remain in their own homes.
By Rebecca Jarvis, 28 February 2022
Policy worker Rebecca Jarvis (CF 2019) discussed alternatives to residential care at the AAA ISO Ageing Societies Leaders Forum on 28 January. Rebecca shared learnings from her Fellowship, which researched support for older people that allows them to remain in their own homes.
By Rebecca Jarvis, 31 January 2021
By Rebecca Jarvis, 11 August 2020
By Rebecca Jarvis, 30 April 2020
All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.
By Rebecca Jarvis, 4 August 2021
Health and social care director Rebecca Jarvis (CF 2019) contributed to a new report entitled Cultivating Neighbourhoods that Care: A Manifesto for Change, which was published this month. Rebecca drew upon learnings from her Fellowship, which researched support for older people that allows them to remain in their own homes.
By Rebecca Jarvis, 28 February 2022
Policy worker Rebecca Jarvis (CF 2019) discussed alternatives to residential care at the AAA ISO Ageing Societies Leaders Forum on 28 January. Rebecca shared learnings from her Fellowship, which researched support for older people that allows them to remain in their own homes.
By Rebecca Jarvis, 31 January 2021
By Rebecca Jarvis, 11 August 2020
By Rebecca Jarvis, 30 April 2020
All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.