Lynn Snow

Fellow’s Profile

Lynn Snow

Fellow’s Profile

Lynn Snow

Post adoption depression - identification and support




Enabling support, identification and teaching about Post Adoption Depression for adopters.


Fellowship year


Supported by


East Midlands


Adopted children have multiple vulnerabilities and need the best start to settling in their adoptive family. I am a paediatrician and looked after children's designated doctor (and previously an adoption medical advisor) and, having worked with these children for many years, I am passionate about this topic. Post-adoption depression (PAD) affects some adoptive parents and can have disastrous consequences for their bonding with the child. We have sadly had serious case reviews in safeguarding in the UK in which this was a theme. My Fellowship allows me to study how different adoption agencies are teaching about PAD, identifying it and supporting adopters through it.

I can then bring any resources to the UK and share with those in leadership and with influence regarding adoption processes in both health and social care to ensure it is addressed in the UK. My long-term desire is to see adoptive families thrive.



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All Reports are copyright © the author. The moral right of the author has been asserted. The views and opinions expressed by any Fellow are those of the Fellow and not of the Churchill Fellowship or its partners, which have no responsibility or liability for any part of them.

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