Governance and Public Provision AC Awardees 2024

Governance and Public Provision AC Awardees 2024


The following Fellows will be receiving an award following their Fellowship under Governance and Public Provision.

Governance and Public Provision

Beatriz Brown (CF 2019)

Re-imagining spaces for restorative justice: designs for prison divestment

I have returned to London where I lead a legal policy team at the Ministry of Justice. I've since taken up theatre directing, inspired by the stories I encountered in the USA and the potential for art to shift narratives around punitive criminal justice policy. I hope to direct a theatre festival focusing on justice and look forward to taking part in public debates around policy reform.

Ashley Hanson (CF 2020)

Work-ready graduates - future-proofing the paramedic workforce

I recently presented my Fellowship findings at the National Paramedic Research Conference in Leicestershire and had the opportunity to network with educators from several universities. The next steps include a research collaboration to implement some of the findings into undergraduate education in the UK.

Lucy Vincent (CF 2023)

Scandinavian Prison Food

Since returning from Scandinavia, I have been inspired to incorporate a lot of what I learnt into our current projects at Food Behind Bars. This has helped impact our prison food education programmes, improving the quality of food in the prisons we work in. I was also thrilled to welcome a prison catering team I met in Denmark to London, more specifically, HMP Brixton, after they organised a visit to see our work in action. It’s been an amazing opportunity for cross-learning and I can’t wait to keep up the momentum.

Carolyn Henham (CF 2016)

Investigate best practice of managed areas for adult sex workers

I have continued in direct work with sex workers as an Independent Sexual Violence Advocate. I have been involved in other sex work research projects and continued with sex work activism on a local, regional and national level.

James Linehan (CF 2019)

The unseen dangers to firefighter health

I used my findings to create real change in my organisation and across the industry. I have chaired working groups, helped implement new policies and procedures, created educational packages for staff and new recruits and shared my findings by giving presentations to other fire brigades across the country.

Jo Reilly (CF 2023)

Effective support services for individuals recovering from childhood sexual abuse

My report was forwarded to New Zealand's Minister for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence and relevant officials, who reportedly found it useful. I'm talking to documentary makers and journalists here about possible avenues for sharing my learning. I may do a TEDx talk later this year. I’m currently arranging meetings with officials to discuss how learnings might be practically applied.

Vinny Romano (CF 2019)

Caring for the carers: developing peer-delivered support

On returning from my two-leg Fellowship trip to the USA, I have been able to share ideas on a national and international level, speaking at the EMS EXPO on the subject in New Orleans. I have also been fortunate enough to share ideas across the paramedic profession, speaking at several conferences and providing consultation to both NHS and private ambulance providers. To complement this, I successfully had a second paper published in a peer reviewed journal on the subject of peer support.

Jeannot Farmer (CF 2023)

Historic Forced Adoption - Healing the Wounds

I hope to use the findings from my Fellowship to highlight some of the measures that can be implemented to support, and give a voice to, those who have suffered from lifelong, intergenerational harms caused by historic adoption practices. I wish to inform and influence a variety of professional and charitable bodies, as well as policy makers, if I can.

Laura Gibson (CF 2020)

The thin blue line - can personal resilience be taught?

I was encouraged to undertake further research and networking to deepen my understanding of key insights and themes. I have actively sought opportunities to share my studies within the policing family through internal workshops and by influencing senior management. I celebrated my Fellowship journey in a series of magazine articles for the Retired Police Officers' Association - Scotland and was invited to write a blog about the role of psychological autopsy in police officer suicides for Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Strategy.

Mark Corbin (CF 2019)

Improving winter resilience on UK roads

I have used my Fellowship experience to introduce change and new methods regarding how we approach winter maintenance in my region in the UK.

Prasanna Kannan (CF 2017)

Adapting American and Scandinavian co-housing innovations to the UK

For my Fellowship I went to Scandinavia and the USA to research co-living and whether it could be a solution for housing affordability. At the time I was the co-founder of a real estate tech platform, Native Finance, which went on to be acquired in 2023. I now work as a Commercial Director for Zero Petroleum, a deeptech company in the clean energy space making carbon neutral synthetic fuels.

Laurelle Brown (CF 2018)

Foster care for adolescents with complex needs

I have established Laurelle Brown Training and Consultancy, collaborating with organisations to strengthen equity, diversity and inclusion across systems for children. We've worked with leaders and practitioners, internationally, to enhance system capacities for change. I've also co-founded, KIJIJI, a community for Black safeguarding professionals. Next, I'm exploring cross sector partnerships!

Herbert Klein (CF 2020)

Improving emergency services for deaf people

I was naive about emergency services. I learnt a lot from Deaf employers FEMA in the USA. I learnt about emergency services from BNPB in Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia and from Gallaudet University about world affairs, new research and data. Now for the first time the World Federation of the Deaf has set up new full-time DRR officers after a long campaign. I started the ball rolling and spread the word about Deaf emergencies.

Jo Mildenhall (CF 2019)

Ambulance service employees' traumatic incident psychological distress and mental wellbeing

I set up an innovative, national psychological wellbeing programme for paramedics through our professional body. I have also presented on psychological health at several conferences, both nationally and internationally, and continue to research in this field to build upon a credible evidence base.

Lucy Chapman (CF 2020)

It's not your fault

My report has been shared with the Police Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police, National Police Chief Council, the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, the Independent Victims’ Commissioner for London and the DA Commissioner for England, and I have hosted meetings nationally with third sector partners who are interested in better collaboration with the criminal justice system.

Fozia Irfan (CF 2020)

Addressing inequality through a diversity, equity and inclusion framework

I held a successful launch of my Fellowship report at Bayes Business School, with an engaged audience of charity and philanthropy professionals. The report, which is entitled Transformative Philanthropy: A Manual for Social Change, has had a positive response and a number of key speaking engagements have followed, together with some podcast recordings.

Mary White (CF 2020)

Hope for the long-haul: inspiring stories of sustainable trauma-informed community growth

My Fellowship has significantly changed my focus in my work as a community leader in the Grenfell area. I am developing strategic relationships within the local council to work together towards transformation across the organisation. I provided substantial input into the Grenfell Partnerships team there and am increasingly involved in other Grenfell initiatives such as the Memorial Commission and Health and Wellbeing Service. The official launch of my report will draw together community leaders, local people and statutory services. I am committed to continuing to share hope for the long haul and partner with others for change.

Sylvia Ikomi (CF 2023)

Adultification and Black Girls in State Care

I shared the findings of my study with social workers as the keynote speaker at Lewisham council’s 2023 annual social worker conference and with social work students from eight universities. I have also shared my findings with social care sector professionals courtesy of CoramBAAF and the British Association of Social Workers, and with members of the NASUWT teachers’ union.

Oona Goldsworthy (CF 2017)

Housing the millennials: ethical housing for generation rent

I was able to lead the development of a purpose-built modular housing scheme for students and young people leaving care in Bristol. This was supported by Bristol University and Bristol City Council and has enabled young people who wouldn't usually live together to learn from each other, sharing common areas but with their own studio flats.

Anna Hope (CF 2018)

Unlocking the potential for affordable Baugruppen projects

I am immensely grateful for my visits to alternative housing projects in Germany, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand through my Fellowship. It deepened my understanding of the wide range of possibilities for creating affordable, community-focused forms of housing through grassroots initiatives. Since my return, I’ve presented my findings to audiences including community groups, community-led housing (CLH) professionals and local authority staff. More significantly, in 2019 I started a PhD on the meanings of community within CLH. Through this I’m developing new approaches to understanding community, which I plan to develop into tools to support community groups to work more effectively.

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